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#3395 +(34)-

Leah - Hmmm... I wonder, what the point of 'Health Insurance' and 'Health Insurance, Greater' edges right now? I mean, as I understand, with this new 'Mortal Blow' mechanic - Those 2 edges become completely useless. (Note about mortal blow - If target get hit by attack that takes MORE than 50% HP - target get only 50%-HP-damage, and rest of the damage would placed as DOT on 10 turns. Example - If your HP is 100 and you get hit by attack 400, you get only 50 damage and you'll get 350 damage DOT, with 10 turns duration.)
Recorded on Wednesday, the 23 day of August, 2017, at 2:03 AM.

Public ><> . o O ( Leah's FACE is 100 and you get hit by attack 400! )