FISH! Browse Quotes

#3793 +(7)-

Aranor - Daka is something you can never have enough of.
Recorded on Thursday, the 31 day of May, 2018, at 4:14 PM.

Public ><> . o O ( Your FACE is something you can never have enough of! )

#2941 +(-6)-

Treharne - And it's that discrepancy that results in the panic on the other side of debuffer potency where they cripple bosses to ridiculous extents.
Recorded on Monday, the 10 day of October, 2016, at 8:35 PM.

Public ><> . o O ( Treharne's FACE is that discrepancy that results in the panic on the! )

#804 +(-11)-

Cieran - But someone probably is reading... Right?
Recorded on Sunday, the 14 day of April, 2013, at 6:27 AM.

Public ><> . o O ( Your MOM is reading! )

#569 +(27)-

Almace - Anyway, that something is watching you thing was an old thing where you'd be harassed by Lion Beasts as a Felinoid every now and then.
Recorded on Monday, the 29 day of October, 2012, at 8:09 PM.

Public ><> . o O ( Your FACE is watching you thing was an old thing where you'd be harassed by! )

#994 +(42)-

Caylin - Is the 'days left' measure in global research a listing of maximum time we have to finish, or is it predicted time until we finish, judging by the current progress settings?
Recorded on Thursday, the 25 day of July, 2013, at 8:03 PM.

Public ><> . o O ( Your FACE is it predicted time until we finish! )

#2620 +(-4)-

Morrigan - Mmhm, same. If any nanomagic is actually close to/creeping on a mutant power or class power, it should be tuned down.
Recorded on Wednesday, the 16 day of March, 2016, at 12:42 PM.

Public ><> . o O ( Your FACE is actually close to! )

#2575 +(12)-

Miorna - has a character that is a nanite adept/coyote, always picks that up.
Recorded on Sunday, the 28 day of February, 2016, at 10:24 AM.

Public ><> . o O ( Miorna's MOM is a nanite adept! )

#2349 +(19)-

Steel - no it is on the beach front
Recorded on Monday, the 5 day of October, 2015, at 9:35 AM.

Public ><> . o O ( Your MOM is on the beach front! )

#3750 +(19)-

Zixis - remember that breast size is relative to your size. size 26 is larger than you entirely, so a kaiju with size 26...
Recorded on Tuesday, the 3 day of April, 2018, at 5:23 PM.

Public ><> . o O ( Your FACE is larger than you entirely! )

#4177 +(11)-

Angel - I mean, 100% chance is nice & stuff, but it's still RNG, and you can get thing that you just not need, and that's lame part here.
Recorded on Tuesday, the 29 day of January, 2019, at 9:30 AM.

Public ><> . o O ( Angel's FACE is nice ! )