FISH! Browse Quotes

#3839 +(22)-

Angel - Suit is ded form.
Recorded on Tuesday, the 26 day of June, 2018, at 12:23 PM.

Public ><> . o O ( Your MOM is ded form! )

#3819 +(8)-

Suedra - besides, scoville is pretty subjective anyway
Recorded on Saturday, the 16 day of June, 2018, at 6:54 PM.

Public ><> . o O ( Your FACE is pretty subjective anyway! )

#971 +(10)-

Tenzuka - Plus it is standard for a bunnee queen to Bweh
Recorded on Thursday, the 11 day of July, 2013, at 6:14 PM.

Public ><> . o O ( Your MOM is standard for a bunnee queen to Bweh! )

#1532 +(8)-

Hinoserm - Usually, I look back at RP logs, login and creation times, it's actually somewhat involved.
Recorded on Thursday, the 1 day of May, 2014, at 4:45 PM.

Public ><> . o O ( Your FACE is actually somewhat involved! )

#2327 +(13)-

MilesZelos - not at all, from the description it looks like its big and bulky and stationary, it reflects light, so it's probably set to a certain angle to bend or curve the waves properly meaning moving with it would be hard
Recorded on Tuesday, the 22 day of September, 2015, at 4:47 PM.

Public ><> . o O ( MilesZelos's MOM is probably set to a certain angle to bend or! )

#4213 +(6)-

Aranor - thought of something to say, but decides that it is not a good thing to say.
Recorded on Monday, the 18 day of February, 2019, at 4:13 AM.

Public ><> . o O ( Your MOM is not a good thing to say! )

#3405 +(8)-

Glitch - Oh, Mira, btw, don't forget it has Duplicating, so, it's two different Repeat attacks.
Recorded on Sunday, the 27 day of August, 2017, at 8:10 PM.

Public ><> . o O ( Your MOM is two different Repeat attacks! )

#2485 +(18)-

Kaede - There is no dual classing.
Recorded on Tuesday, the 26 day of January, 2016, at 5:45 PM.

Public ><> . o O ( Kaede's MOM is no dual classing! )

#4433 +(14)-

Randel - it is a kiss after a- Oh wait, I think the status gived you a free little cold attack.
Recorded on Sunday, the 22 day of September, 2019, at 1:43 PM.

Public ><> . o O ( Your FACE is a kiss after a! )

#2465 +(2)-

Selyra - What if it's banana muffins vs oatmeal raisin cookies?
Recorded on Saturday, the 16 day of January, 2016, at 9:56 AM.

Public ><> . o O ( Your MOM is banana muffins vs oatmeal raisin cookies! )