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#1615 +(1)-

Voldine - tests the logic of this assumption. One can set an IF statement in the Kemonomimi legs descriptor so that there's no visible changes in the description unless the ass also changes (granting a tauric form) and it is known that transformation text can check if statements as well. Therefore one can set up a special case whereby the ass transforming checks to see if the legs have the same form for a Kemonomimi and if so it then appends the transformation text from the legs onto the transformation of the ass as well. However if the legs are infected after the ass, the transformations of both parts would take place separately.
Recorded on Monday, the 23 day of June, 2014, at 1:06 PM.

Public ><> . o O ( Voldine's MOM is known that transformation text can check if statements as! )