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#2375 +(-2)-

Jill - [To: Angus] Thanks. I appreciate the advice it is just I tend to put a lot of thought into these things and if I had any other character I would agree with you totaly but this character doesn't really fit the model of staying in the bubble and doing hir own thing. Sometimes it is a bit annoying having to deal with my character to me as shi mainly has one massive weakness with anything resembling mind control or rape. >.< my back story for this character ended up accounting for most things other than the fact that shi is hostile to people who make a bad first impression. *goes off to figure out what other weaknesses can be added to this character while keeping the character the same...*
Recorded on Monday, the 2 day of November, 2015, at 9:08 PM.

Public ><> . o O ( Your MOM is hostile to people who make a bad first impression! )