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#2373 +(-12)-

Kari - Sorry, thanks Shadow. It's worse. The rules of the park I live in say I can't keep them in the house, so I had to put up a kennel so they had somewhere to stay until I could get them all collars and chains. About a month ago, someone asked me to look after their dogs for a while, because they were moving to houston (We live in New Caney), and the place their going to doesn't allow pets. I agreed on the stipulationt that they brought food, which they said they'd do, but never did. Their porcine mutts kept eating all the food when i set it out, like three big cooking pots a piece, which left very little left, (This was, per day,) They kept growling and barking at my dogs when they were eating to keep them away, there was very little left, and the one that just died made sure his brother always ate first...
Recorded on Monday, the 26 day of October, 2015, at 12:30 PM.

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